2023 NotsoAmazon Softball Season Softball · Any All Levels
- Free Agent Fees
- Regular $135.00
Registration for our 2023 season is now FULL. We are accepting waitlist only. Sign up at the link below to put your name on the waitlist.
This year due to popular demand we're expanding our league to 16 teams!
To make sure all Notso's have a chance to play we'll have games at the following times on Sundays: 10am, 12pm, and 2pm. (We do not play on long weekends or Pride Weekend)
To make sure that our return to the diamond is as safe and responsible as possible, we're reinstating our Covid protocols for this season. Players will be required to provide proof of vaccination (at least 2 doses - with the exception of those who are medically exempt) and agree to a code of conduct, which outlines illness reporting responsibilities. Both of which will be required at the time of registration.
Hand sanitizer will be provided at each game, along with sanitizing wipes for equipment, we have also invested in more catching gear so that players will not have to share. We encourage players to communicate with their team if they feel unwell ahead of a game, in which case they can withdraw from the game at any time without risk of a late-notice strike against their attendance.
We offer subsidized league fees to those who require them. Please email info@notsoamazon.com if you need to discuss the amount of the league fees. - All details will be kept entirely confidential.
If you're having trouble processing your payment info when registering, you can click on Skip/Pay-later but you will need to email us within 48 hours so we can help secure your spot, otherwise, it will be open to another player.
We play 14 games from 30th of April to September 2023. We do not play on long weekends or on Pride Weekend. We ask that anyone who does not believe they will make at least 60% (8) of our games, to please reconsider leaving the spot to someone who can commit to more games.
This year we're re-implementing a buddy system for Notso's to feel safer in the washroom. You can read about the role of a buddy via the link below, and if comfortable, volunteer to be a buddy during registration!
Reps and Mentors
Our league would not be able to run without the selfless dedication of our fantastic reps and mentors. We ask that anyone who is interested in stepping up as a Rep or a Mentor, to please consider indicating that on your registration. Being a Rep/Mentor is an incredibly rewarding experience that helps bring an entire team and community together.
As a team rep you will be asked to keep track of your teams attendance each week, report any need for subs to the team co-ordinators, create the rosters and field positions for each week, field any questions that arise during the game as well as assign base coaches and score keepers.
As a mentor you will be asked to monitor team spirit amongst your players, help out if any players are struggling with any aspect of the game, and promote a general positive environment for your team.
Fee Payment
Any outstanding fees/charges from the 2022 season must also be paid in full prior to playing in the 2023 season.
If you selected "Skip/Pay later" on your registration your spot in not confirmed. You must reach out to us at info@notsoamazon.com within 48hours to discuss payment or your spot will be release.
Subsidies are also available for those who require them - please fully complete your registration under the "pay in full" option, but choose "pay later" at the end.
Contact us at info@notsoamazon.com to discuss your requirements.
The Notso Amazon Softball League (NASL) provides recreational softball for lesbians, bisexual women, queer women, queer-allied women, and trans folks of all skill levels. The league understands trans to be a broad and inclusive term, and we invite all members who identify within the trans community, those who are binary identified and non-binary-identified, including genderqueer, genderfluid, intersex, and Two-Spirit individuals, among others to join us!
Our vision is to live in a community where individuals can participate in a sport that is free from discrimination based on sex, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.League Notes:
Registration is closed